S. 2561 – The Big Cat Public Safety Act

Your Phone Call Will Save Lives

December 9, 2020

THIS POST CONTAINS OUTDATED INFORMATION – PLEASE VISIT www.tcwr.org/advoacy FOR UPDATED INFORMATION ABOUT THE BIG CAT PUBLIC SAFETY ACT. The Big Cat Public Safety Act was reintroduced in the 117th session as H.R. 263.

A week ago, the Big Cat Public Safety Act passed on the U.S. House Floor with an overwhelming majority of 272 yes votes! Although this is the farthest this bill has ever gotten, we still have a long way to go and only ONE week to do so! With your help, we could still get this bill passed before the 116th session of congress ends on January 3, 2021.

The U.S. Senate’s last day in session is December 18th and the Big Cat Public Safety Act S. 2561 is sitting in the Environment and Public Works committee. If we can get the committee chair Senator Barrasso to “hotline” the bill, it could still go to a vote before the 18th! We already have 36 co-sponsors for this bill and projections show that if it can go for a vote, it is very likely to pass as a bipartisan bill!

We are asking all of our supporters to reach out to their Senators and ask them to be Co-Sponsors on the bill. If your Senator is on the Environment and Public Works committee we are asking them to not only Co-Sponsor this bill but to also request that Senator Barrasso to clear S. 2561 for Hotlining.

Although email is a great way to get information to your Senator about the Big Cat Public Safety Act, we are asking that because of the short time left in the 116th session that if you are able to make a phone call instead! This will make sure your Senator hears from you as quickly as possible.

Find Your Senators’ Phone Number Here

Email Your Senators Here

Here is an example of what you might say.

“Hello, my name is (NAME) and as a citizen of (STATE) I was wanting to talk to Senator (NAME) about the Big Cat Public Safety Act S. 2561. I would like Senator (NAME) to support this bill by co-sponsoring and voting YES on this bill when it goes up for a vote.The safety of our emergency responders and welfare of big cats is very important to me as a citizen of (STATE)”

Committee Member Phone Call

“Hello, my name is (NAME) and as a citizen of (STATE) I was wanting to talk to Senator (NAME) about the Big Cat Public Safety Act S. 2561. I would like Senator (NAME) to support this bill by co-sponsoring and talking to Chairman Barrasso about hotlining the bill so that it can be voted on before this session of Congress ends. The safety of our emergency responders and welfare of big cats is very important to me as a citizen of (STATE).”

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